Banks and their fine-print documentation can often be over complicated to get your head around when getting to grips your financial options. There seems to be new financial terms created every other day.
Youtube is often an incredible resource to get you started. Often credit can seem like a daunting concept, and many people are frightened or really don’t know where to look. They choose to leave everything to their bank, sometimes not even meeting with a person but leaving it to their computer system to sort everything out.
My advice is to choose one or two channels that interest you and tune in once a week, just to keep yourself in the financial fold. I’m not in the habit of telling people what they “should” do, even though I write financial advice articles. However, I would like to encourage you to take control of your money by gaining an understanding of how it reacts with different products and services.
There’s quite a few on this week’s list, so let’s get going.
Getting Started with Passive Real Estate Investing
If you’re looking to get advice from genuine experts in the real estate field, then you’re going to want to subscribe to this channel. In a recent interview with Tim Ferriss, author of The Four Hour Work Week, the team gets him to open up about how to succeed despite his failures. This channel gets on the list because there is no waffle in their content. There are debates where you get to see all sides of the story because personal finance is not a black and white matter.
These guys have been going for a long time now, and that’s good news for those of you who are new to the channel. There is an enormous backlog of content, and the viewer ratings show that it’s not only myself that thinks their videos are worth watching. Although they market themselves as real estate content creators, there are excellent clips on paying off student debt and credit card guides.
The Financial Diet
I have been following Chelsea and Lauren for years, and they are as approachable as you can get. They use everyday, personal scenarios to efficiently explain different concepts and also gives tips and tricks on how to be more money savvy. Unlike a lot of financial instructions I see floating around, they are not telling you to survive on a ludicrously low budget. They give practical guidance on how to make your money stretch further without compromising on your lifestyle. Also, the friendly content flows nicely and pretty much jargon-free.
Passive Income Ideas
This channel more than any of the others is great for anyone at any stage of life. Whether you are learning how to file your own taxes for the first time, looking to find a good deal for your mortgage, or making your retirement funds stretch further, I’d make it a priority to tune into Jeff’s channel: Good Financial Cents. Another striking feature of his channel is that he has a team of people that advise you; for free. It’s his way of showing his appreciation to those who watch his uploads but also to garner clients for his wealth management fund. They will get back to you within 24 hours. I’d heard of this marketing ploy on the grapevine and was intrigued. I thought that a professional with such a polished business model would probably have something of value to say. And I was right. If nothing else, his high energy get-up-and-go attitude is going to get you pumped about getting your own finance pile a little neater and organized.
Your Money, Your Choices with Susan Daley
First off, I’d like to congratulate Susan Daley on her excellent motto “long live your money” and the straightforward, digestible advice she gives to help her viewers achieve this philosophy. I found myself dipping in and out of her playlists since I discovered her channel three months ago and last week I realized that I had backlogged through all of her content.
She is CFA qualified and currently on her way to a CFP but credentials aside her quick tips is what shines on her channel. These no-nonsense uploads are usually one minute long and focus on a particular term or concept such as split transactions or moving money. These clips are great for people who are dipping their toes into the sea that is the personal finance sector. It’s also helpful when you are reading blogs and come across a term that is unfamiliar to you. Looking up a definition is often not detailed enough to transmit the proper meaning of the phrase, so these snapshots get you quickly back on track with a better handle of the article’s terminology.
Susan Daley also gears some of her articles directly to her Canadian subscribers on matters such as tax and pension schemes. Again, these are of really high quality. Compared to a lot of her competitors she provides content that is earnest and well-researched with professional production value.
Because Money
This podcast is a great one if you’ve got a bit more time on your hands. These Canadian based creators are perfect for taking with you on a walk around the block. What appeals to me is that they explore specific topics that are relatable. For example, they recently discussed options when you face taking care of your aging parents. They give credible advice, and it’s refreshing that you don’t need to apply the situation from an American video to your situation in Canada as so often happens.
As you will know, there is an astonishing amount of content upload across social media platforms in the last few years. Every minute there are 300 minutes of Youtube content uploaded. That is phenomenal. However, it also means there is a substantial amount of financial deluge; advice that you’d be more expected to hear from a man falling asleep in a bar rather than a “financial advisor” or so they claim. So, it’s important to check out the true “legitimacy” of the advice before taking it on board.